Use Drones to Your Business Advantage
Nowadays, you likely pay more of your attention to flying machines.
Here’s what you’ll now discover about drones:
You might also call them quadcopters, multirotors, UAS (unmanned aircraft systems), UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles), or simply robots. You see them on TV, movies, internet, news — everywhere.
Wouldn’t it be nice not only to watch, but also to fly and especially earn on a drone?
We’ll now show you how you can use an UAS commercially.
Why would you care about earning on drones?
Thanks to many benefits, the UAS industry is to boom in the coming years. It is to generate more than $82 billion for the US economy over the next decade. They are also to create more than 100,000 new jobs.
This perspective resonates with that of the blockchain technology, another area of the robotics law.
What would you use a drone for?
Notably, you can use it for something that helicopters used to do. In fact, unmanned aircrafts are replacing helicopters. Commercial drones are eco-friendly, much safer, and many times more cost-efficient than helicopters.
Depending on the user and purpose, UAVs have 3 types of use:
- Recreational;
- Commercial; and
- Governmental.
We now focus on commercial drones. You can use them for profit.
Gainful Activities
So how can you earn on quadcopters?
You can provide virtually any services related to aerial photography and videography. You, for example, can:
- Inspect power-lines and pipelines on hills and mountains;
- Research and develop new products;
- Inspect bridges;
- Monitor crops;
- Teach and educate;
- Inspect satellites;
- Aid rescue operations;
- Evaluate wildlife;
- Shoot aero-photos and videos; and
- Produce movies.
These operations allow you not only to enjoy flying, but also to earn on UAS.
You can further come up with some other drone applications as well.
UAS Opportunity
Here’s a vivid example: The mountains displayed in the video appear to be impassable. Right? Some of the best drones, though, can fly from one place to another in just minutes. Flying a drone, you can thus transport property from point A to point B for compensation or hire.
Operating a drone with camera, for instance, you can inspect the mountainous terrain, deliver medical aid, and search for missing skiers or snowboarders. Moreover, using a drone camera, you can easily capture breathtaking views. Shortly speaking, professional air video can make wonders for your enterprise.
As you can see, flying a drone poses a lucrative business opportunity. You can be the one to capture it today so that you prosper tomorrow.
To conclude, try and see how the flying machines will benefit you and your business.
Before this, however, learn how to fly a drone and how to earn on drones legally.
Then, check out how to incorporate your startup in the US.
To start your UAS business, feel free to download our business setup checklist (infographic).
For an ultimate guide on how to start your own business in the US, watch our webinar.
Now, over to you. How would you earn on drone? Leave your comment below.
loads of other uses for drones such aerial roof inspections too. Great article
Thanks for your feedback, Luke!
Drone applications are growing exponentially.
News ways to earn on drones are already around the corner…